National Service Scheme (NSS)

Two units of NSS function in the collge. The aim of NSS is the development of personality of the students through constructive social action and community service. NSS conducts annual seven day camps to identify the needs and resources of a project area, by establishing rapport with people in the project area.
* Annual camps are organised by NSS every year.
* Activities undertaken by NSS as part of seven-day camps include Construction of roads in remote areas, Construction of playground for schools, Conduct medical camps with the collaboration of Primary Health Centres, Cleaning of public facilities, social surveys etc.
* NSS units of the college have been organizing blood donation camps and a directory has been prepared.
* Documentary exhibitions and campaigns are organized for the benefit of the students and the local public to create awareness against the use of drugs and alcohol.
* Medical Camps are organized during time of epidemics and as part of NSS seven day camps in collaboration with the health department.